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Weighting Wizard

The weighting assistant supports you in weighting your questions within the information requests. The wizard can be called up for each structure item in the Questions tab. It does this in a semi-automated way by generating 1:1 comparisons.

To use the weighting wizard, open the desired query and switch to the Questions tab. Formulate the desired question structure using structural elements.

To start the wizard, click on the button.

After confirming the start of the wizard, the window opens in which the pair comparisons can be performed in order to create the weighting.

The task now is to compare the displayed pairs and to determine with the button arrow right which area has the higher weighting. The pull-down menu Rank can be used to go through and weight the individual areas.

One possible weighting as an example:

Service is more important than quality

Service is more important than the price level

Service is more important than the additional offers

This means that the force element is weighted accordingly according to the user’s own specifications.

To change the weighting, open the weighting wizard again using the button.

The weighting wizard can be run on RFQs that are in In Progress status, RFQs that have been sent to the supplier, or RFQs that are in Award status. To do this, the specified checkbox must be activated in the Administration, Settings, My Settings, Requests area.

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