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Column preferences


When you click the settings icon above the Edit button, you can view and alter your user preferences:


Simply dragging the columns from left to right will make them visible in your transaction worklist. The same applies the other way around. The buttons Hide all and Show all will make the columns invisible and visible via one click. You can also determine the order of views by dragging the columns up or down. These settings will be saved per user for each future session of the user concerned.

At the top of the worklist is a Filter icon which allows you to search for transactions within the worklist:


Clicking on it will take you to the following search screen:


Here you can search both by header- and line details based on different criteria. Multiple tabs can be unfolded to see more details you can search by. You can switch between two tabs to search by certain criteria. Above you can see the tab Transaction. On the right of it you can click on Process to initiate a search by more/other criteria. The button Hide takes you back to the screen where the entire worklist including the selected transaction is visible.

Grouping your work list by a certain column works slightly different:


To the right of the Filter button you will see a button with a three dot colon. This will show all other options regarding the functionalities in the worklist. If “Show grouping” is checked, you will see a light grey bar above the columns, as shown above, to which you can drag columns to group them. Remove the grouping can be activated by clicking the X within the column you dragged up.

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