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I have registered with a potential customer and received an email with a link “Connect to your customer now”. What should I do?

  • In the first step, you have registered as a supplier in the Onventis procurement solution of your potential new customer. You have successfully completed this registration. Now follow the link “Connect with your customer now” in the e-mail. You will be taken to the Onventis Supplier Portal:

  • In the second step you have to connect with your customer to get full access to the data of your customer. This access is via the “Onventis Supplier Portal“.

    • If your organization is not yet registered in the Onventis Supplier Portal, you have to register here <New>. This is a further registration.

    • If your organization is already registered, you can log in (<Login>) and link your customer directly to your existing company account in the Onventis Supplier Portal.
      (see question: “Is my organization already registered in the Onventis Supplier Portal?”)

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