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Create self-disclosure

The basic data contains an overview of all relevant data for the customer’s self-disclosure request.

In the supplier data area, a direct contact person for the inquiry can be entered in the contact person field.

In the Miscellaneous section, comments that apply to all offers can be inserted or files can be attached.

One or more files can be attached by clicking the Select… button. button. In the window that now opens, you have the option of selecting a file via the ... button to select a file. The Attach button is used to attach the file to the desired position.

With the close button you can switch back to the overview.

In the tab Texts, all important texts and information, such as general terms and conditions, conditions of purchase, information about the company and the like were integrated by the customer.

In the area positions prices can be deposited for the inquired articles.

In the Questions tab, general and specific questions were included by the customer. The questions can be answered at the highest level:

You can open the individual question by clicking on it and add an external comment or attach files.

After you have entered an answer for this question, you can navigate to the next question using the Next.svg icon.

If you have already answered the same questions of the customer from a self-disclosure request in the past, you can take over the last answers via the Take over last answers button.


Please note, the questions must be completely identical, already answered questions will be overwritten.

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