Supplier | ||||||
Column heading | Description | Mandatory field | Example value | Data type (length) | Import | Export |
SupplierNr | Unique supplier number of a supplier within an Onventis Buyer organization | yes | ONV000001 | varchar(35) | yes | yes |
Disabled | Blocks the supplier’s access (to the Onventis Supplier Organization provided by the provider) 0 = Vendor access not blocked | no | 0 | tinyint | yes | yes |
QualificationStatus | Title of the supplier Qualification status at the organizational level 0 = Not yet qualified | no | Successful | translation string | no | yes |
NrExtern | External supplier number of a supplier within the Onventis Buyer Organization | no | EXT000001 | varchar(35) | yes | yes |
AdditionalNumbers | Additional number(s) | no | ADD000001 | varchar(35) | yes | yes |
DunsNumber | Nine-digit D-U-N-S number assigned by D&B (Dun & Bradstreet, Bisnode) | no | 314820668 | varchar(35) | yes | yes |
DunsCheck | Result of D-U-N-S validation (requires Bisnode Small Package) 0 = Validation not performed | no | 2 | int | no | yes |
DunsValidationDate | Timestamp of the DUNS validation | no | 17.02.2021 16:12 | timestamp | no | yes |
Name1 | Company name | yes | ONVENTIS GmbH | nvarchar(100) | yes | yes |
Name2 | Company addendum | no | Stuttgart location | nvarchar(100) | yes | yes |
ManagingDirector | Management (multiple entries separated by commas) | no | Frank Schmidt | nvarchar(200) | yes | yes |
ManagingDirectorTitle | Management title 0 = Managing Director | no | 0 | int | yes | yes |
DistrictCourt | Register number | no | HRB 21731 | nvarchar(100) | yes | yes |
CommercialCourt | Registry Court | Local court Stuttgart | nvarchar(100) | yes | yes | |
Currency | Currency of the supplier (if not specified, the currency is taken from the provider) | yes (if nothing is specified, the currency is taken from the provider) | EUR | char(3) | yes | yes |
Url | Website / URL | no | | nvarchar(200) | yes | yes |
Street | Street of the main address | depending on the configuration of the organizational settings within the Onventis Buyer organization | Gropiusplatz 10 | nvarchar(100) | yes | yes |
Street2 | Street 2 of the main address | no | STEP Area | nvarchar(100) | yes | yes |
Building | main address building | no | House 1 | nvarchar(50) | yes | yes |
Floor | Floor of the main address | no | 5 | nvarchar(50) | yes | yes |
Room | Room of the main address | no | 05 Oct | nvarchar(50) | yes | yes |
ZIPCity | Postcode of the main address | yes | 70563 | varchar(20) | yes | yes |
City | Place of the main address | yes | Stuttgart | nvarchar(50) | yes | yes |
Country | Country of the main address as ISO code – examples: DE = Germany If this column is not specified, the value DE is used by default when creating new data. | yes (if not specified, the value DE is automatically used for new creation) | EN | ISO code | yes | yes |
Region | Region of the main address as ISO code – examples: BW = Baden Württemberg Only available for Germany, Austria and USA | no | BW | ISO code | yes | yes |
PBox | P.O. Box of the main address | yes, if a postcode or the city for the P.O. box has been specified | P.O. Box | varchar(20) | yes | yes |
ZIPPBox | Postcode of the P.O. Box of the main address | yes, if a P.O. Box or the location for the P.O. Box has been specified | 70563 | varchar(20) | yes | yes |
CityPBox | Location of the post office box of the main address | yes, if a P.O. box or the postal code for the P.O. box has been specified | Stuttgart | nvarchar(50) | yes | yes |
Culture | Language of the supplier as ISO code: Examples: de-DE = German If this column is not specified, the user language is taken from the provider. | yes (if not specified, the user language is taken from the provider). | en-EN | ISO code | yes | yes |
Phone | Phone number | no | +49 711 686875-0 | varchar(50) | yes | yes |
Fax | Fax number | no | +49 711 686875-10 | varchar(50) | yes | yes |
E-mail for general system notifications | yes | varchar(50) | yes | yes | ||
EmailForFreetextOrder | E-mail address for free text orders | no | varchar(50) | yes | yes | |
EmailForRequest | E-mail address for calls for tenders | no | varchar(50) | yes | yes | |
EmailForAuction | E-mail address for auctions | no | varchar(50) | yes | yes | |
EmailForOrder | E-mail address for catalogue orders | no | varchar(50) | yes | yes | |
EmailForContact | E-mail address for contact | no | varchar(50) | yes | yes | |
UserLoginName | Login Name of the main contact person | yes, is required for the initial creation of a supplier (Admin user of the Onventis Supplier Organization) | User0123456 | varchar(50) | yes | no |
UserPassword | Password of the main contact person | yes, is required for the initial creation of a supplier (Admin user of the Onventis Supplier Organization) | Password123! | varchar(50) | yes | no |
UserSalutation | Salutation of the main contact person 1 = Mr | yes, is required for the initial creation of a supplier (Admin user of the Onventis Supplier Organization) | 1 | tinyint | yes | yes |
UserFirstName | First name of the main contact person | yes, is required for the initial creation of a supplier (Admin user of the Onventis Supplier Organization) | Max | nvarchar(50) | yes | yes |
UserLastName | Last name of the main contact person | yes, is required for the initial creation of a supplier (Admin user of the Onventis Supplier Organization) | Sample | nvarchar(50) | yes | yes |
UserPosition | Position of the main contact person | no | Purchasing Manager | nvarchar(50) | yes | yes |
UserPhone | Phone number of the main contact person | no | +49 711 686875-0 | varchar(50) | yes | yes |
UserFax | Fax number of the main contact person | no | +49 711 686875-10 | varchar(50) | yes | yes |
UserMobilePhone | Mobile phone number of the main contact person | no | +49 173 12345678 | varchar(50) | yes | yes |
UserEmail | E-mail of the main contact person | yes, is required for the initial creation of a supplier (Admin user of the Onventis Supplier Organization) | varchar(50) | yes | yes | |
SupplierStatusNr | Supplier status to be assigned to the supplier | no | 00001 | varchar(35) | yes | yes |
Categories | Category(ies) to be assigned to the supplier. Several entries are separated from each other with a “|” symbol | no | 00001|00002 | nvarchar(250) | yes | yes |
InternalSupplier | Identification as an internal supplier (intercompany). 0 = Not activated | no | 0 | tinyint | yes | yes |
SalesTaxID | VAT number of the main address | no | DE12345678 | varchar(35) | yes | yes |
SalesTaxIDCheck | Result of the EU VIES VAT ID validation (only for linked suppliers from the portal) 0 = NA -> (Not applicable, as no EU VAT ID was provided and cannot be checked) | no | 2 | int | no | yes |
TaxNumber | Tax number | no | 123456 | varchar(35) | yes | yes |
NrAtSupplier | Customer number at the supplier | no | CUS123456 | varchar(35) | yes | yes |
Remark | Comment | no | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. | ntext | yes | yes |
File(s) | Files (included in the standard system, no document management) | no | Document1.pdf, | file reference (text) | no | yes |
BankName | Name of the bank of the main bank account Mandatory field if you want to create a main bank account (at least one attribute of the main bank account is filled) | yes* | Demo Bank Stuttgart | varchar(50) | yes | yes |
BankStreet | Street of the main bank connection | no | Stuttgart Street 1 | varchar(100) | yes | yes |
BankZip | Postcode of the main bank account | no | 70563 | varchar(20) | yes | yes |
BankCity | Location of the main bank account | no | Stuttgart | varchar(50) | yes | yes |
BankCountry | Country of the main bank connection as ISO code – examples: DE = Germany | EN | ISO code | yes | yes | |
BankRegion | Region of the main bank connection as ISO code – examples: BW = Baden Württemberg Only available for Germany, Austria and USA | no | BW | ISO code | yes | yes |
BankCurrency | Currency of the bank account as ISO code – examples: EUR = Euro | no | EUR | ISO code | yes | yes |
IBAN | IBAN of the main bank account
| yes* | DE89370400440532013000 | varchar(35) | yes | yes |
BIC | BIC/SWIFT of the main bank account | no | HASPDEHH | varchar(20) | yes | yes |
BankAccount | Main bank account number
| yes* | 648489890 | varchar(50) | yes | yes |
BankNumber | Bank code of the main bank | no | 50010517 | varchar(50) | yes | yes |
InvoiceSupplierNr | Linked invoice supplier (SupplierNr of the referenced supplier) | no | ONV000005 | varchar(35) | yes | yes |
PaymentTermsNr | Number of the assigned terms of payment (if managed in Onventis Buyer) | no | 00001 | varchar(35) | yes | yes |
PaymentTerms | Payment term as text (if not managed in Onventis Buyer) | no | 30 days net | nvarchar(100) | yes | yes |
DeliveryTermsCode | Incoterms (number) | no | EXW | nvarchar(50) | yes | yes |
DeliveryTerms | Free house | no | Free house | nvarchar(100) | yes | yes |
DeliveryTermsPlace | Place for delivery term (if Incoterms are used) | no | Reception Building 1 | nvarchar(200) | yes | yes |
PaymentMethodsNr | Number of the assigned payment method | no | 00001 | varchar(35) | yes | yes |
InvoiceVerification | GR-related auditing 0 = not activated | no | 1 | tinyint | yes | yes |
DoubleInvoiceAudit | Double-checking of accounts 0 = not activated | no | 1 | tinyint | yes | yes |
Standard | Standard supplier 0 = not activated | no | 1 | tinyint | yes | yes |
ComplianceChecked | Compliance checked 0 = not activated | no | 1 | tinyint | yes | yes |
DisabledSAP | Deactivate data communication to ERP 0 = not activated | no | 1 | tinyint | yes | yes |
OrgUnitInArticleCondition | Use organizational unit and customer data in sales conditions 0 = not activated | no | 1 | tinyint | yes | yes |
EvaluatedReceipt | Automatic goods receipt settlement 0 = not activated | no | 1 | tinyint | yes | yes |
ResponsibleUserGroupNo | Responsible user group/purchasing group | no | 00001 | varchar(35) | yes | yes |
ResponsibleUserNr | Responsible user | no | 00001 | varchar(35) | yes | yes |
OrderProcessingType | Type of purchase order processing workflow 1 = Use standardized workflow The vendor can be assigned a uniform workflow that is always used or different workflows that take effect depending on the account assignment category, etc. Important: | no | 1 | int | yes | yes |
OrderProcessNr | Number of the assigned purchase order processing workflow if “Use uniform workflows” was selected in the type | no | 00001 | varchar(35) | yes | yes |
MultiOrderProcessNr | Number of the assigned purchase order processing workflows. If there are several order processing worklows, the numbers must be separated with the “|” symbol. Example: Purchase order processing workflows no. 000001, 000006 and 000004 are to be assigned to the vendor. The default is 000004. The column must be filled as follows: 000001|[S]000004|000006 | no | 000001|[S]000004|000006 | varchar(1000) | yes | yes |
OrderProcessNrByCostAllocType | Assign different workflows per account assignment category: The entries should be formatted as follows: Example: Formatting: | no | 000028$A|000029$K | varchar(1000) | yes | yes |
OrderProcessNrByOrgUnit | Assign different workflows per organizational unit: The entries should be formatted as follows: Example: Formatting: Important: Is now possible via the worksheet OrgUnitSpecific in the column OrderProcessNumber | no | 000028$000001|000029$000006 | varchar(1000) | yes | yes |
OrderProcessNrByOrgObject | Assign different workflows per organizational object: The entries should be formatted as follows: Example: Formatting: | no | 000028$000001|000029$000006 | varchar(1000) | yes | yes |
OrderProcessNrByOrderType | Assign different workflows per order type: The entries should be formatted as follows: Normal order = 1 Example: Formatting: | no | 000028$1|000029$3 | varchar(1000) | yes | yes |
Transmission | Order transmission type (bitmask possible): 1 = Email | no | 1 | int | yes | yes |
TransmissionAttachmentType | Attachments in the order transmission channel e-mail (bitmask possible): 0 = Email with link Bitmask Example: | no | 5 | int | yes | yes |
OrderRangeFlag | Use vendor-dependent number range for purchase orders 0 = Not activated | no | 1 | tinyint | yes | yes |
MinOrderValue | Minimum order quantity | no | 10 | decimal(18, 4) | yes | yes |
ERPOrderNr | ERP Import from <Order number> | no | 1234 | varchar(50) | yes | yes |
DeliveryProgram | Product range | no | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. | ntext | yes | yes |
SapCoAreaNr | Standard SAP controlling area. | no | 0001 | varchar(1000) | yes | yes |
SapCompCodes | Standard SAP company code. | no | 0001|0002 | varchar(1000) | yes | yes |
SapPurchaseOrgs | SAP Purchasing Organizations. | no | 0001 | varchar(1000) | yes | yes |
SapControlAccountNr | SAP reconciliation account | no | 123465 | varchar(1000) | yes | yes |
SapAccountGroupNr | SAP account group | no | 123456 | varchar(1000) | yes | yes |
AllOrgUnits | Extend supplier for all organizational units 0 = not activated | no | 0 | tinyint | yes | yes |
OrgUnitExtensions | Organizational units to which the vendor is to be extended | no | STGT|MUN|BER | varchar(1000) | yes | yes |
HtmlAttachmentFlag | Specifies whether or not a supplier should receive HTML attachments to an RFx. 0 = not activated | no | 0 | tinyint | yes | yes |
ReleasedMaterialGroupsNr | Approved material groups | no | Mat1|Mat2 | varchar(50) | yes | yes |
RejectedMaterialGroupsNr | Rejected mateial groups | no | Mat1|Mat2 | varchar(50) | yes | yes |
MaterialGroupRemark | Comment on the material groups | no | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. | ntext | yes | yes |
Deleted | Specifies whether a supplier is to be deleted 0 = not activated | no | 0 |