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Create an outline agreement

In the area Operative Purchasing → Contracts → Master Agre ements the created master agreements are displayed and via the New button a new master agreement can be created.

The following fields are available for creating outline agreements:


  • Title: Enter an individual title of the master agreement here. This title appears in the second step when you assign items to an outline agreement.

  • Status: A status can be assigned to the outline agreement. The following options are available: Active, Inactive, Canceled, Archived…

  • Term: Here you have the option of specifying the term of the outline agreement.

  • Contract partner: In this area you have the option to enter the corresponding contract partner.


  • Responsible user group: Enter the user group that is responsible for this framework agreement. This user group receives the notifications by e-mail, provided that this Notification area is activated.

  • Material group: Assign the corresponding material group to the outline agreement here.

  • Notification: In this area there is the possibility to activate a notification. Notifications are sent to the assigned user group via email.


Comments on the framework agreement and/or files can be entered here.

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