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User roles

A user can be assigned roles that determine which areas he or she can access in the Onventis Supplier Portal. There are currently two user roles. The standard user and the administrator.

  • Standard users: Users who are not assigned a specific role are referred to as standard users. After login, they have access to the main menu items Dashboard and Supplier Profile. In the dashboard you see all customers who have been assigned to their user accounts by an administrator in the customer administration. The supplier profile can only be used in read mode.

  • Administrators: Users with the Administrator role have full access to the portal company account. In addition to the rights of the standard user, you can:

    • Change the company data

    • Edit the vendor profile

    • manage customers and grant and revoke access to these customers to users (including their own administrator user)

    • Add, change and delete users.

    • Administrators can turn both standard users into administrators and administrators into standard users. There must be at least one administrator per OSP account and any number of additional users can be made administrators in the user administration. Administrators cannot downgrade themselves to a standard user.

Further roles are in preparation.

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