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Definition of the filter criteria

In the dialog for the definition of the filter criteria, the contracts can be filtered according to various criteria.

Criteria can be combined by means of AND or OR links. To do this, first select the AND or ORoption on the left-hand side.

Then click the plus icon on the right to add a criterion. In the dialog that opens, you can choose from all the fields that are available in all the organization’s contract templates.

The Search field in the dialog allows you to quickly find the desired criterion.

The contract template criterion can be used to filter all contracts that were generated from a specific contract template.

The Group option can be used to add another criteria level.

The following examples show possible configurations of filters.

Example 1

This filter shows all leases for the location CIRRUS Marketing Ltd.

The Location field has been defined in the contract template as a lookup field of type Organizational Unit.

Example 2

This filter shows all vehicle contracts that are managed by the responsible buyers “Jonathan Bruckner” OR “Alina Hamann”.

The Responsible Purchaser field has been defined in the contract template as a lookup field of type User.

Example 3

This filter shows all vehicle contracts that expire by the end of the year.

The Contract End field has been defined as a date field in the contract template.

The filter updates itself automatically, so that the contracts whose end date is in the current year are always displayed.

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