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Excel import

Via the Import… button you can import articles via the OrderPosition template into Onventis.

To import the order positions download the Import_OrderPosition_Template.xlsx and fill in the columns with the desired position according to the default. When importing via CSV, the file must have the same columns as the Excel file.

The following columns are available:






  • ArticleNo.: in the column ArticleNo. you enter the number of the article, which is to be inserted. The article must be in a catalog. This field is alphanumeric and may contain a maximum of 35 characters. The article no. is a mandatory field and must be filled in.

  • Quantity: in the column Quantity you enter the desired order quantity for the article, the quantity is numeric and must be entered as a number. This field is mandatory and must be filled in.

  • InternalArticleNr: in the column InternalArticleNr you enter the internal article number. This field is alphanumeric and may contain a maximum of 35 characters. The column Internal article number is optional.

  • CustomerArticleNr: in the column CustomerArticleNr you enter the customer article number. This field is alphanumeric and may contain a maximum of 35 characters. The column customer article number is optional.

  • LineItemGroupTitle: in the column LineItemGroupTitle you enter the name of the item group to which the item is to be assigned. If the item group does not exist, it is created. This field is alphanumeric and it can contain a maximum of 100 characters. The LineItemGroupTitle column is optional.

After clicking the Import… button, the window for importing the file opens. Via the Selection… button you can select the completed Excel or CSV file.

Under File type you have to select if it is an Excel or CSV file, for this click on the corresponding radio button.

With the Import button you can import the file.

In the Imports area, you see a table with the following columns:

  • Title: in the Title column you can see the title of the file to be imported.

  • Status: in the status column you can see the current import status. The following statuses are possible:

    • Saved: as soon as the import has been started, the import is in the status Saved, i.e. the file is being processed by Onventis.

    • OK: the import was completed without any problems, the data was imported into Onventis.

    • Warning: the import was completed with restrictions. This status occurs if, for example, columns in your import file that are not mandatory fields are missing. The missing data does not lead to termination. The remaining data is imported without errors.

    • Error: the import could not be performed, e.g. due to missing columns which are mandatory fields. The import was terminated and no data was imported into Onventis.

  • Creation date: in the creation date column you can see the time, date and time when the import was created.


Since the import runs in the background, it may take a few minutes to complete. You can use the Refresh button to query the current status.

You can close the window by clicking the Close button. You return to the order item overview. As soon as the import has been completed successfully, the imported items are displayed.

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