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Tender position list

The tender item list gives you an overview of all requested products. You can sort this list by RFx position, RFx no., RFx title, status or creation date. In addition, you can narrow down the display by entering search terms or storing individual filters.

On this page you can see all entered tenders with the number of positions, questions and suppliers, the received offers and the status of the tenders.

On the right side you can see the current status of the call. The following statuses are possible:

  • In capture: The alert is in capture and has not yet been sent.

  • Sent to suppliers: The RFx has been sent to the assigned suppliers.

  • Award of contract: A contract was awarded to the bid of one supplier.

  • Cancelled: The tender has been cancelled again.

  • Archived: The RFP has been archived and is closed.

To view or edit existing RFx items, click on the title of the corresponding RFx.

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