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Data access sequence for supplier master data in purchase orders, tenders, etc.

If a supplier has been extended for an organizational unit and, in addition, an individual specification of data and settings of the supplier has been made for this supplier, this data and settings are also applied in the various business processes in Onventis.

To ensure that the correct vendor data is always used in a business transaction, an access sequence has been defined that determines the vendor data from the vendor’s master record as well as any existing specifications for organizational units.

The principle applies that the special specification for organizational units is used before the general specification in business transactions. If an attribute does not have a specific value for the current organizational unit, the general value from the organization itself is used. If no value exists there either, the attribute is regarded as “empty” or not specified.

With this release, initially none of your vendors are specific to an organizational unit.

Basically, this means that the existing system behavior does not change and all data for a vendor is determined from the organizational level as before.

Special access sequence rules apply to the attributes listed below:

Combined attributes

Certain attributes are only considered in combination with other attributes when determining the data, as they have no meaningfulness without them.

Order processing workflow

If a type of purchase order processing is selected in the field Purchase order processing (e.g. “Use standard workflow”) in the specification for an organizational unit in the tab “Extended” under ” Purchase order processing “, the corresponding field Purchase order processing workflow is also taken into account in each case.

If the Purchase order processing workflow field is empty, the purchase order processing workflow of the organization for this vendor is not used in this case.

To use the purchase order processing category and the purchase order processing workflow of the organization, leave the Purchase order processing field blank in the data specification of the organizational unit.


If an address is assigned to the organizational unit in the “Address” tab, this address is used in full with all its attributes.

In this case, address attributes of the specification of the organizational unit are not combined with address attributes of the organization.

Bank details

If bank details are assigned to the organizational unit in the “Bank” tab, these are used in full with all the attributes they contain.

In this case, attributes of the bank details of the specification of the organizational unit are not combined with attributes of the bank details of the organization.


If a contact person is assigned to the organizational unit in the “Contact person” tab, this person is used in full with all the attributes it contains.

In this case, attributes of the contact person of the organizational unit are not combined with attributes of the contact person of the organization.

As long as the manual adjustment of a contact person is generally permitted in certain business transactions and for the individual user, this option continues to exist without restriction.

Document dispatch via e-mail

The e-mail address used in certain business transactions for sending documents to a vendor is determined with the following access sequence:

  1. Contact person for organizational unitIfa contact person is assigned to the organizational unit in the tab “Contact person”, his e-mail address will be used for orders (incl. free text), complaints, tenders and auctions.The possibility to manually adjust the e-mail address in certain business transactions (depending on settings and permissions) remains unaffected.

  2. General e-mail addresses for organizational unitIfno contact personisassigned in the specification for an organizational unit, the e-mail address valid for the respective business transaction in the tab “Basic data” of the specification specific to the organizational unit is used (e. g. B. “E-mail for orders (except free text)”, “E-mail for tenders”, etc.).

  3. Standard contact person at organization levelIf no e-mail addresses are generally stored in the specification for an organizational unit for the respective business transaction, the e-mail address of the standard contact person of the organization is used.This is defined in the supplier master record in the “Contact person” tab by opening a contact person listed there and activating the “Standard recipient” option.Caution: The standard contact person only receives purchase orders. (except free text orders), complaints as well as tenders and auctions.
    This step of the access sequence is not used for free text orders.

  4. General e-mail addresses at organization levelIfno standard recipient is defined for the organization, the e-mail address valid for the respective business transaction in the “Basic data” tab of the vendor master record is used (e. g. B. “E-mail for orders (except free text)”, “Free text orders”, “E-mail for tenders”, etc.).

  5. E-mail for general system notificationsIf no e-mail addresses are generally stored for an organization for the respective business transaction, the e-mail for general system notifications is used.
    This e-mail address is a mandatory field, ensuring that at least one contact option is defined for a supplier.

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