Customer list
The customer list displays all customers from whom you have been provided with a vendor account and who you have linked to the OSP. If you authenticated yourself with an Onventis supplier account during registration, this customer is automatically linked to the portal.
The following information is displayed for each customer:
Customer: The name of the customer is determined from your Onventis supplier account at the time of linking.
System: The technical Onventis system on which the corresponding Onventis vendor account is located.
Users: Number of users assigned to this customer.
Special case “multi-customer account“:
If you have several customers in an Onventis Supplier Supplier Account, this will be marked as “Multi-Customer Account” in the customer list. This can be the case, for example, if your customer is organized in a group structure within which you have been created as a vendor for several subsidiary organizations.
By clicking on a customer entry, it is opened and you see a list of all customers connected to this supplier account.