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Position list area - Orders

In the item list, you can see an overview of all items added to the purchase order. The following columns are displayed:

  • Pos.: in the column Position the position number within the order is displayed. The Sort icon allows you to sort the position list in descending or ascending order according to the position number.

  • Article: in the column Article all relevant position information is displayed. If the warning symbol is displayed next to the article, certain mandatory fields have not been filled in. You will get more information if you position the mouse pointer on the symbol. Alternatively, go to the position details and check whether all fields marked with * are filled in.

    • Article description

    • Item type: under Item type you can see whether it is a free text item or a catalog item.

    • Item no.: Item no.

    • Internal part no.: Internal part no.

    • Account assignment information: Account assignment information

    • Customer article no.: Customer article no.

    • Commission No: Commission number

  • Quantity: in the field Quantity you see the ordered quantity. This field is an input field. You can overwrite the quantity directly in the overview.

  • Unit price: in the Unit price field you can see the item price per unit of measure.

  • Total price: in the field Total price you see the item price multiplied by the unit of measure plus the applicable VAT.

  • Delivery address: in the field Delivery address the address to which the ordered goods should be delivered is displayed.

  • Delivery date: in the field Delivery date you see the date on which the ordered goods should be delivered.

  • Status: in the Status field you can see the order status for this item.

  • Action: in the Action field you can copy the position via the Copy icon, via the Delete icon the position is deleted.

In the Item List area, you can select items from multiple sources and add them to the order.

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