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Buttons in user maintenance

Save & Close

After changing/ creating users, all changes can be saved here. One will return to the overview of users.


After changing/ creating users, all changes can be saved here. One will remain the current user.


One will return to the overview of users.


Only visible for not activate users. Via this button an user can be activated. An email will be send to the entered email address, enabling the user to activate his account.


Only visible for active users. Via this button an user can be deactivated. A pop-up will appear where you have to select a successor:


Roles of this user are copied to the successor. Mandates are copied to the successor and current mandates for this user are deactivated and set to ‘expired’. Worklist items are transferred to this successor. When transactions are assigned to this deactivated user, they will be forwarded to the successor.


Same actions as for deactivation are executed, only the user is not deactivated.

Reset pin code

The pin code of an user can be reset. The first time this user will login, a pop-up will appear where the user can determine the (new) pin code.

Re-Login of the user whose PIN has changed is required

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