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Post goods receipt

To post a goods receipt, go to the purchase order overview under Operative Purchasing → Purchase Order Processing → Purchase Orders.

You have the following options for entering the goods receipt:

  • In the overview list, in the Action column via the New icon.

  • By opening the order and selecting the new goods receipt button.

After you have completely entered the data, you can post the goods receipt by clicking the Post button.

You can find the posted goods receipt document in the list of goods receipts or in the purchase order on the Follow-on documents tab page.

Goods receipts that have been entered but not yet posted can:

  • From the overview of goods receipts under Operative Purchasing → Purchase Order ProcessingGoods Receipts via the selection of the goods receipt and the Post button or

  • from the purchase order via the A goods receipt is located in entry link

can be booked.

If the process step Delivery note LI has been activated in the purchase order processing workflow, the supplier must first send a delivery note. A goods receipt can then be posted.

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