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Qualification processes

The key benefits of the Qualification process

  • Fully integrated supplier qualification process within the Onventis All-in-One procurement platform

  • Multilingual Qualification processes can be configured on the organization level or optionally for every organization unit the supplier is extended for

  • Qualification processes support up to 5 automatic reminders which can be configured in their chronological sequence

  • Supplier qualification status can be mapped to customer individual supplier status on organization level or every organization unit, by using configurable mapping tables

  • Qualification process supports three main qualification disciplines, which are

    1. Request a master data update from your suppliers and define mandatory fields (D-U-N-S number, VAT ID)

      • Supplier can match up their master data data compared to the data the Buyer organization has stored

      • Master data updates will also processed in the supplier network account

    2. Ask for the acceptance of document sets

      • Each document set can contain language specific documents

    3. Include questionnaires which can be specific to the scope of the qualification process or even material group specific

  • Assessment processes for general supplier qualification and on a material group specific level


Qualification Process configuration (step 4 – questionnaires).


Qualification Request overview page, showing all qualification requests per qualification process.


Qualification Request detail page, showing a qualification process with scope specific and material group-specific questionnaires.

Create a qualification process

Qualification process template

When creating a qualifcation process you need to define the template. The template can be configured within a wizard containing six steps:

  1. General information

  2. Master data

  3. Documents Acceptance

  4. Questionnaires

  5. Suppliers

  6. Summary

In order to be able to select documents in Step 3 you need to upload that documents in advance. You can do that in the Onventis Buyer menu: Contract documents > Document management > Document Sets. See also detailed documentation here:

In order to be able to select questionnaires in Step 4 you need to prepare questionnaires in advance. You can do that in the Onventis Buyer menu: Supplier Mananagement > Supplier qualification > Questionnaires. See also detailed documentation here:

Qualification process overview page

The qualification process overview page can be accessed via Qualification Management > Qualification processes.

The table view shows the full history of all qualification processes in your system. You can filter the list by Qualification process status and sort the list by Title, Creation date and Last updated.

You can see how many processes are created, and process how many supplieres are invitedt and have responded.

From here you can Create a new qualifcation process.

Qualification request overview page

Per Qualification process you can access the qualification request overview page. This shows you all requests and theirs status.

On the qualification request overview page and per qualification request all status icons got an additional tooltip, in order to provide easily accessible information about all status icons and their meaning.

Multiple qualification processes per scope element

It is possible to configure and publish any number of supplier qualification processes per organization and per organizational unit. This allows you to set up a separate qualification process for each material group and region, for example, and send only the documents and questionnaires relevant for this combination to your suppliers.


If a supplier has been invited to a qualification process and has not yet completed it, a note will appear stating that this supplier cannot be added to another process as long as this supplier has not answered the current invitation.


Show hint, of Supplier cannot be added to a further request

Filtering an sorting of qualification processes list page

The management of qualification processes becomes much easier. The list can now be filtered by process status. Thus, it is possible to display only all published qualification processes. In addition, it is possible to sort by “title”, “creation date” and “last updated”.


Answering a qualification request (Supplier)

Invitation email


Invitation email

Access qualification request on the Onventis Supplier Portal


To-do on the Supplier Portal Dashboard


Qualification invitation overview

  • While loading a questionnaire within a Supplier qualification process on the Supplier Portal, a loading animation is shown to the user until the full content is loaded. This makes it easier for the user to see that it may take a short time to load the entire questionnaire. This is especially helpful in case of a slow internet connection.

  • When a user completes a questionnaire with empty values for required questions, the user directly gets directed (scrolled) to the question within the questionnaire, which is empty.

  • On the Supplier Portal, the ‘Qualification invitation overview page” got more space between the disciplines requested to be answered by a customer.

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