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Frequently Asked Questions on change approval process

Why is there not a document linked to my change approval?

  • There is no process (of the type linked to the change approval configuration) present for the same organisation.

  • The last update/change was more than 24 hours before the change approval was created.

Why do I not see any new change approvals appear?

  •  Your rights on change approval have been evoked (please contact your application    manager)

  • The schedule of server script “Create new change approval processes” does not run anymore (please contact your application manager to check this in the scheduled job management module.)

Why can I not see the dashboard item with worklist/ archive of change approval processes?

  • You do not have the correct role to see them. (Please contact our application manager.)

Why is the button ‘approve’ not available in the change approval process?

  • Multiple change approvals are present, and you are currently not working with the oldest active change approval process of this supplier.

Why is the button ‘reject’ not available in the change approval process?

  • Multiple change approvals are present, and you are currently not working with the newest active change approval process of this supplier.

Why is my invoice/ supplier not exported to our financial system?

  • There is an active change approval process on the specific supplier, and it might be configured in your environment that invoices linked to a supplier/ suppliers with an active change approval are not exported (please note: this is a customer specific implementation!)

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