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By activating the respective option at Type you can define each address as main, delivery and/or invoice address. Multiple selection is possible.

  • Main address: the main address is displayed in the order header and in the order PDF.

  • Delivery address: for an order with identical delivery addresses in the order items, the delivery address is displayed at order header level. In the case of an order with different delivery addresses, the delivery address is displayed at order item level. This function applies to purchase orders and associated order PDFs. To enable this feature, you must first go to Configuration → Settings → Organization Settings → Ordering tab and enable the two options:

    • in the area order header the option: delivery address visible

    • in the order item area, the option: Delivery addresses at item level

  • Billing address: the billing address is only displayed in the order header of an order if it differs from the main address.

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