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Selection of delivery schedule or individual purchase order

After selecting the respective quantity(s) from the planning table, the supplier has two options for the automatic creation of the order proposal:

  • Order proposal with transfer of quantities as separate delivery schedule lines

  • Order proposal with an item containing the total of all quantities for the earliest possible delivery date

Before an order proposal is created as an individual purchase order, the system also checks whether the maximum stock level might be exceeded. In this case, only the variant with delivery schedule lines and a corresponding note is available.

Only quantities and dates can be changed in the order proposal. All other specifications come from the material master and cannot be changed by the vendor.

With a click on the button “ACTION” and “SEND” the order proposal can be sent by the supplier.

Purchase order proposals created on the basis of purchase requisitions (MRP elements “BA”) reference these in the purchase order so that when the purchase order is transferred to ERP, the purchase requisitions are completed correctly.

Order proposals that were created on the basis of other MRP elements (not “BA”) reference these in the requirements number of the order item concerned, so that the reference in the ERP system is also retained and can be traced here.

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