Order status - Order items
—: all orders are evaluated, regardless of their status.
In entry: only purchase orders with the status in entry are taken into account for the evaluation.
In approval: only purchase orders with the status in approval are considered for the evaluation.
Concerning the confirmation of receipt by the supplier: for the evaluation only the orders are considered for which the supplier has not yet confirmed the receipt.
Template order active: only active template orders are considered for the evaluation.
Template order inactive (expired): only inactive, already expired, template orders are considered for the evaluation.
Sent: for the evaluation only those orders are considered which have been sent to the supplier.
Confirmed: for the evaluation only those orders are considered which have been confirmed by the supplier.
Completed: only completed orders are taken into account for the evaluation.
Cancelled: only cancelled orders are taken into account for the evaluation.
Rejected by approver: only those purchase orders that have been rejected by the approver are taken into account for the evaluation.
Rejected by supplier: for the evaluation only those orders are considered which have been rejected by the supplier.
Original document: only the original documents are taken into account for the evaluation. Original documents are initial orders that were sent to the supplier, subsequent changes by users or suppliers are not considered for the evaluation. In the purchase order, in the tab Follow-on documents, this document has the status Original document.