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Status (traffic light function) in the planning table

The traffic light function provides additional support for the supplier and MRP controller when viewing the planning table. A warning message in RED or YELLOW is displayed for each MRP element that requires the attention of the supplier or MRP controller.

Since scheduling is only relevant in the future, only dates from the date of the last data update are taken into account in the traffic light function. The traffic light function is therefore not available for MRP elements in the past.

– the safety stock level has been fallen short of and there is not enough time available to replenish the stocks, taking into account the delivery and goods receipt processing times. For this material, order proposals (planned receipts) can no longer be generated automatically in time. The required quantity is therefore taken into account on the next possible date.

– the reorder level has been reached or fallen short of, but there is still sufficient time available for the next delivery, taking into account the delivery and goods receipt processing times. The planned receipt quantities can be copied to order proposals, provided that the material has been configured accordingly (see MRP Control as VMI Article or Preview Article).

The highest warning level in the planning table thus defines the display of the traffic light function in the VMI article overview. If neither status messages in the planning table are marked with “YELLOW” or “RED “, the traffic light in the VMI article overview for this material appears “GREEN”.

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