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Memory configuration

In order to generate an automatic reminder, the following settings must be made in the dialog for the configuration of the reminder


Conditions are the trigger for memory. A condition is always a date on which the reminder is to be sent.

In the Execute Reminder On field, select a date field from the contract. These can be static date fields as well as dynamic date fields.

Then select whether the reminder should be sent exactly when the date entered in the date field is reached, or whether the reminder should be sent n days/weeks/months before or after the date is reached.

Notification to

This setting controls which users should receive the notification by email.

In the Notification to field, select a user or user group field from the contract.

When a user field is selected, the notification is sent to the email address of the user selected in the contract field. When a user group field is selected, the notification is sent to the email addresses of all users who are in the user group at the time of sending.

Configure notification

In this section, the content of the e-mail notification can be defined.

Enter the subject of the e-mail in the Title field and the content of the e-mail in the Content field.

Email subject and content can also include field content from the contract. To do this, click the displayed fields to add them as variables to the subject or content text.

The variable is always inserted at the position of the cursor. Note that the variables are inserted in the form \{field name\} and this notation must not be changed.

Example of a reminder

A contract ends on 31.12.2020 and must be terminated with a notice period of 3 months to the end of the contract.
An e-mail reminder is to be sent 2 weeks before the end of the cancellation period to the members of the
responsible purchasing group
defined in the contract.

In one contract, the date field Contract end was defined and filled with the date 12/31/2020.

In the contract, the dynamic date field Latest Notice Date was also defined, which determines the period 3 months before the end of the contract. The field shows 30.09.2020 in the contract accordingly.

The following configuration is to be made in the reminder:

  • Execute reminder on: “Latest date of termination” and “2 weeks prior to”

  • Notification to: “Responsible purchasing group”.

Please note that contract reminders are not viewable in the email queue in Onventis.

Automatic setting of the contract status

To create an automatic status change for a contract, click More in the contract’s toolbar and click Rules and Reminders.

The dialog that appears displays existing rules and reminders. These may have been taken from the contract template from which the contract was created.

To create a new rule for the status change, click the New button.

In the following dialog, enter a name for the rule and select the type Status change (active/inactive). Then click New.

In the list of rules and reminders, click the pencil icon next to the newly created rule to start editing it. The dialog for configuring the rule opens.

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