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Material master data in the requirements forecast

In the article detail (tab: requirements preview), both the purchaser and the supplier have an overview of the material master data as it was imported from the ERP and serves as the basis for planning and calculating the requirements preview. The material master data cannot be edited on the Onventis side. It is only possible to define a “planning overhead for reorder point in %”(see Defining a Planning Overhead for Reorder Point) for each article. This overhead is taken into account when order proposals are calculated, so that the calculated quantity exceeds the reorder point by the specified % value. The maximum stock level is also taken into account here.

The “Last update” indicates the time of the last import of the data from SAP. All calculations and planned quantities were carried out at that time.

In order to update the requirements forecast and the planned quantities (in case of longer intervals between the import of the SAP planning data and the logon to the Onventis system), the button “Recalculate order proposals” is available to the users. This update mainly recalculates the delivery times of planned receipts based on the current date.

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