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Customer data area - Orders

  • Company: under Company, the main address of the organizational unit to which you are assigned as a user is automatically determined and transferred to the basic data of the order.

  • Drop shipment: if you purchase articles via drop shipment you can activate this checkbox. By activating this checkbox, the following fields are also displayed:

    • Supplier data: you can select the second supplier via the drop-down field. Via the Info… you can view the address details of the supplier. Clicking the close button closes the window with the address details and takes you back to the basic order data.

    • Delay view for supplier 2, number of days before delivery date: you can enter X days in this field. In this case, the second supplier receives the notification by e-mail only X days before the delivery date. The lowest delivery date + x-number of days is always calculated.

  • Delivery address (default): under Delivery address you can select a delivery address from the dropdown menu to which the articles are to be sent. Via the Info… button you can see the details of the selected address. Via the New... button you can enter a new address, this will be permanently stored in the master data under Administration → Master data → Addresses. Via the Edit… If you select Ad-hoc address from the drop-down list, you can use the Enter address button to enter a delivery address that has not been entered in the master data. An ad hoc is not stored in the master data.
    The selection of delivery addresses depends on further settings in user administration, in Create and Manage Addresses and Create and Manage Organizational Units.

  • Billing address: under Billing address you can select a billing address from the drop-down menu. Via the Info… button you can see the details of the selected address. The selection of billing addresses depends on other settings in user administration, in Create and Manage Addresses and Create and Manage Organizational Units.

  • Orderer: under Orderer the user is displayed who has created this order. Via the Info… button you can see the details of the user.

  • Additional user: under Additional user you can select a second user. By selecting another user, this user can view and edit the order in his Onventis account.

  • Purchasing group: under Purchasing group you can use the Search… button to search for a purchasing group responsible for the purchase order. Via the transfer icon, the purchasing group is transferred to the purchase order. In SAP integration, this field is mandatory and must be maintained. The persons belonging to the purchasing group can be maintained by your Onventis administrator under Master Data Management → User Management → User Groups.

  • Buyer is contact person of the supplier: you can activate this option if you want to select a specific buyer as contact person for the supplier for this order. After activating this checkbox you can see the details of the buyer via the Info… button to see the details of the buyer. Via the Search… button, you will be shown the users belonging to the purchasing group. The user is transferred to the basic data of the order via the Transfer button.

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