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Incoming goods

The goods receipt is a part of the order process with which you as a customer confirm the acceptance of the delivered goods.

Under Operative Purchasing → Order Processing → Goods Receipts you can see the list of goods receipts created in your organization.

The following columns are displayed:

  • No.: the number of the goods receipt.

  • Title: the title of the goods receipt, as well as the number of related items.

  • Order no.: the order number of the purchase order for which the goods receipt was created.

  • Supplier: the supplier to whom the order was sent and who delivered the goods.

  • GR date: the date on which the goods receipt was posted.

  • Status: the current status of the goods receipt. The goods receipts can have the following status:

    • Posted: this status indicates a goods receipt that has already been posted.

    • In entry: with this status, the goods receipt is currently in entry, that is, the goods receipt document has been created but not posted.

    • Canceled: a posted goods receipt was canceled again.


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