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Own documents

With the help of documents you can communicate information to your customers and suppliers, for which you can additionally request a read confirmation, or the possibility of confirmation/rejection.

In the overview of your own documents, you can see the documents entered by your organization.
The validity of the documents is displayed in the columns Valid from – Valid to. In addition, the validity is shown by means of a traffic light symbol.

The individual traffic light symbols are displayed for the following conditions:

  • Red light: The validity period has expired.

  • Yellow traffic light: The validity period expires within one month.

  • Green light: The document is still valid for more than one month.

  • Grey traffic light: The document has been archived, the validity period is no longer relevant.

In the customer and supplier management, you can also look up organizations to which a document has been assigned in the Documents tab to see whether the organization has already confirmed or rejected the document.

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