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Add items to an RFx

You can create new items from your article favorites, from a catalog, from the shopping cart, from an item template via the New via templates… button, or as free text items via the free text item… button to add them to an RFx. Items can also be created as structure items with sub-items using New via Templates. To create positions within a structure element you have to click on the new.svg symbol in the Action column next to the corresponding structure element.

You can use the Display field to select the display types for items:

  • Compressed: Only structural elements and titles of items are displayed, without description, images and file attachments.

  • Non-compressed: All information (headings, description text, images and file attachments) is displayed.

Transfer items from Favorites/Catalog/Auto-Learn list

Another possibility to add positions is to take positions from the Favorites, from a catalog or from the Auto-Learn list. To do this, select the desired button and confirm the selection with OK.

After searching for the desired article from a catalogue, transfer it to the open call for tenders by clicking on the Use button.

Now revise the article, by clicking on the title. Now, for example, the position no. to determine where this position should appear in the advertisement. Additional fields can be defined or further remarks can be stored. After saving, the item appears in the item list of the RFx.

The same procedure is to be followed if an article is to be transferred from the Favorites list or the Auto-Learn list.

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