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Packing instructions

For some goods, special, stress-resistant packaging may be necessary for the transport of certain goods in order to protect them from stress. For this purpose you have the possibility to define packaging instructions in Onventis.

In the area Master Data Management → Master Data → Packaging Instructions you can administer packaging instructions, which can be selected in the purchase orders by the users and suppliers.

You can open an existing packing instruction by clicking on the number or title.

You can create a new packing instruction by choosing New.

The following fields are available for maintaining packing instructions:

  • Number: under Number you must assign a number. The number entered must not yet be assigned. If you enter an existing number, a field message is displayed. This field is mandatory and must be maintained.

  • Title: under Title you must enter a title for the packing instruction. This field is mandatory and must be maintained.

  • Description: under Description you can enter further, detailed information about this packing instruction.

In the organizational settings, you can activate the packing instruction for the selection in the purchase orders.

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