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Before you can start importing catalogs and conditions, some basic requirements must first be met. You basically need the following for uploading catalog data:

  1. Supplier account: The supplier account is your own area in Onventis, which allows you to maintain your company data, create users, process orders and upload catalogs, among other things.
    If you do not yet have your own account, please contact your customer so that they can register it for you.

  2. Access data: To log in to your account, you will need the appropriate login credentials. If you do not have them, you can have your customer send them to you (again) at any time.


When you log in to the system for the first time, you will be prompted to change the password that was sent to you. Please change this according to the given password rules.


FTP account: Up to a maximum size of 10MB per catalog file, it is also possible to upload catalogs in Excel or CSV format without a separate FTP account. If you want to upload larger catalogs or catalogs in general in BMEcat 1.2 format, you need a separate FTP account. In this case, please contact the department Catalog & Integration Services of the Onventis GmbH. We will create an FTP access for you after receipt of your order and send you the access data. FTP accounts can be created in the size classes 0.25 GB, 0.5 GB and 1 GB. be commissioned.

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