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Provide company master data to all customers

If you have not made any changes to your company master data since it was last made available and have not added any new customers, you will see the following message in the right sidebar.

After initial registration in the OSP and as soon as you have made and saved changes in the master data, the button <Provide master data> is active and can be used by you.

When the button <Publish master data> is called up, the following dialog appears (see right).

If you have chosen <Publish>, your master data will be updated in the organizational data of all your customers.

In addition, your customers will be informed:

An automatically generated e-mail is sent to all customers with an overview of the updated supplier master data and a link to transfer the data directly into their supplier management in Onventis Buyer.

In the supplier management of your customer in Onventis Buyer, the entry for your company is marked as “Updated”. The data can be checked and accepted or rejected by the customer by selecting the links on a separate page.

The data can be accepted or rejected after verification by the customer.

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