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Creating and weighting questions

If you want to insert or create a question, click on the New Questions… button. button. A new window will open and all the details of the question item can be stored.

The title of the question, a description and the weighting type can now be stored here. The remaining weighting available is displayed in the Free remaining weighting field. The weighting already entered for other questions is taken into account.

In the Weighting field, you can specify a percentage weighting for this question. In total, the weightings of the structural elements of a level must add up to 100%. The residual weighting is used as a guide.

The Check Weight ing button can be used to check the weightings that have been applied. If the weighting has not been done correctly, this is shown in red.

With the Adjust weighting button the entered weighting can be adjusted. The system then automatically adjusts the weighting.

Questions can be marked as K.O. criteria. In this case, the abbreviation K.O. is written in red next to the question. Questions marked in this way are highlighted in the display and are only visible as such to internal users. Suppliers do not see which questions are K.O. criteria. K.O. criteria always have a weighting of 0%.

Questions that are not scored are marked with the abbreviation N.B. Questions marked in this way always have a weighting of 0%. It makes sense to mark those questions as non-assessable that are only of an informative nature (e.g. request for contact persons, addresses, etc.).

Key Performance Indicator: In the Supplier Management → Assessment Settings area, you can define key performance indicators (KPI’s) and assign them to the questions. In the later evaluation, the evaluation scores are obtained according to key indicators.

In the Other section, a file of any format can be attached to the question. These are visible to the supplier.

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