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Dashboard and main menu

After successful login, the dashboard is the central start page for each user in the Onventis Supplier Portal.

If you are logged in, you can access the dashboard from any page via the appropriate menu entry or the “Onventis Supplier Portal” application logo.

On the left side you will find the main menu, which can be opened and closed at any time by clicking on the menu icon.

A tile is displayed on the dashboard for each of your customers.

For each customer, the to-dos (e.g. open information requests) from the corresponding account are displayed and offer a direct jump into the task list in the stored supplier account.

Via the button < Open account> you can jump directly to the respective supplier account to edit the open to-dos there (e.g. answer inquiry).

A new browser tab is opened in the user’s browser and the user is automatically logged in with his user account.


As an administrator user, you can assign your employees to individual customers via the menu item “Customer administration“. This gives these employees access to the customer account and the corresponding customer tile is displayed in the dashboard for quick access to the supplier account.

You can return to the portal from the supplier account at any time via the link “ZUM PORTAL-DASHBOARD” in the user menu at the top right.

The first steps are displayed in the right sidebar. These include completing a supplier profile, adding a user, and adding a customer. Once you have completed the three steps, the area is hidden.

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