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Area Weighting

  • Activate weighting of questions by default: by activating this option, the weighting of questions will be set to “YES” by default, i.e. the questions will always be weighted. In the request, the user still has the option to set the weighting to “No”.


  • Question weighting can also be changed after sending the request: by activating this option, the weighting on question item level can also be edited after sending the request and after the suppliers have submitted their offer. The weighting is taken into account accordingly in the question comparison.

  • When deleting a question, automatically reweight the remaining questions of the structure element via weighting wizard: by activating this option, the weighting of the questions within a structure element is automatically adjusted after removing a question.

  • Knockout criterion:

    • Without weighting (hard K.O.): with “Without weighting (hard K.O.)” the supplier is evaluated with a hard K.O. if the criterion is not fulfilled, i.e. he is not considered for the award.

    • With weighting: with “With weighting” the criterion can be weighted, e.g. with 50% of the total score, and thus enters the award with a high weighting.

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