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Define team settings for alerts

Via the Team Settings... button you can define the following rules for the call:

  • The minimum number of project participants (keyword 4 eyes principle). If this is not achieved, no publication is possible

  • The release time in which project members must release or reject the alert for publication (= grace period).

  • Definition of what happens if there is no release (publication possible after a grace period / no publication possible) Team settings Rights

Each user is assigned a set of rights within the system. These are transferred to the RFP, where they can be restricted for a project, but not extended. The rights of the individual team members can be changed at any time. To do this, click on the Team Settings, Rights button in the Team tab.

In the new window that opens, all team members are listed with their available and assigned rights.

The plus signs in the column header can be used to select all rights for the corresponding team member. The minus sign cancels the selection.

Team members can be assigned the same rights in one step, i.e. the rights can be cumulated, selected or deselected. To do this, click on the plus or minus sign in the line of this right.

By clicking on the Save and Close button, the entries are saved. The rights of the coordinator cannot be changed.

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