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Requirement items

A purchase requisition is a request from the user department to the purchasing department to procure a material or service in a certain quantity on a certain date.

Requirement items can only be created from the shopping cart and with the help of an Excel import. Requirement items can be transferred to purchase orders, RFQs, auctions, or purchasing projects.

Requirements items can be used to bundle the requirements of several users.

Under Operative Purchasing → Purchase Order Processing → Requirement Items, you can see an overview of the purchase requisitions.

General settings for demand items can be found under Configuration → Settings → Organizational Settings → Organizational Settings – Demand Items tab.


With SAP integration, requirement items can be imported into Onventis via an import interface. These items can be automatically compared with the catalog data for supplier and price determination.

Further processing of these items can be continued in Onventis.

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