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Order header / settings area

  • Order number can be changed manually: by default, the order number is generated by Onventis itself. This number is read-only. The number specification is controlled in the Number Ranges tab and can be configured on a company-specific basis. By activating this option, users can overwrite the order number.

With the options listed below, you can activate the following additional fields in the order header:

  • Commission no. visible

  • customer order no. visible

  • Commission visible

  • Project no. visible

  • Display ‘Conditions’ block

  • Display ‘Additional costs’ block

  • Show ‘Other’ block

  • Show ‘Resend’ button: with this setting you can activate the button for manually sending messages in the message queue. If certain messages have not been sent, e.g. due to a missing connection, you can manually initiate the sending again.

  • Deactivate supplier check: When sending orders, the system checks whether the ordered item matches the supplier from the catalog. If it does not match, an error message is displayed and the order cannot be shipped. If you do not need this check, you can disable it by activating the setting. For purchase orders that have been transferred from requirement items to a purchase order, by activating this option. the vendor specified in the requirements item can be changed.

  • Document request visible: The field “Document request” is visible in the order header. By activating this option, the user can request an attachment, e.g. a delivery note, from the supplier. This option is not a required field.

  • Delivery address visible: with this setting you can activate the visibility of the delivery address in the order header. The delivery address is then valid for all order items. This setting is useful if the same delivery address is used for all items.

  • Purchasing group as required field: by activating this option, the purchasing group becomes a required field. The purchasing group is responsible internally for the procurement of a material or class of materials and usually acts as the contact person for vendors externally. This setting is useful when transferring purchase orders to SAP. In SAP, the purchasing group is a mandatory field and must be entered when the purchase order is transferred to SAP.

  • Assignment of another user possible: by activating this option, another user can be assigned to an order. The assigned user can see these orders in his order overview. This setting is intended to ensure that all orders that fall within the user’s area of responsibility are visible to him.

  • Display vendor: you can use this option to display the vendor to whom a purchase order is to be sent in the basic data of the purchase order.

  • Purchase order can be marked as SG&A purchase order: by activating this option, a purchase order can be marked as SG&A (Selling, General and Administrative Expenses) purchase order.

  • Display packaging regulations: for some goods, certain packaging regulations must be adhered to in order to protect the goods from stresses in the course of the logistics chain, e.g. for the transport of technical goods. With this option you activate the display and selection of the packing instructions in the tab Basic data in the purchase orders. These can be administered in the area Administration → Master Data → Packaging Instructions.

  • Define packing instructions as mandatory field: this option allows you to define the shipping instructions as a mandatory field in the order or purchase order. Thus, orders or contracts cannot be shipped without a selection of packaging instructions.

  • Automatic determination of the account assignment category based on material group and/or article value:

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