Organisations module

This is the main place where organisations are maintained. Not only a suppliers is an organisation, also customers, prospects or partners. The majority of the organisations registered will be however suppliers.
When you click “Organisations” you will be directed to the following screen:

In this screen you will find many search/ filter options. Below that, the organisations are displayed.
To look up a specific organization, you can enter (a part of) the name of the supplier and click on the ‘search’ button. Also you look up a supplier by searching on Bank account number or VAT number.
If you want to look up a supplier by using the supplier code, first fill out the option ‘group’ with “supplier”. After this, the field ‘code’ becomes available and can be used in your search. Now also the column ‘code’ will display the supplier code in the results part of the screen. The application will remember your selection for the ‘group’ based on the last selected item.
Whenever multiple administrations in one environment are used, the selected administrations in the top left part of the screen also influence the search results in the organisations screen. The shown organisations will be filtered on the selected administrations. Whenever a choice was made during implementation that only one list of organisations is used for all administrations, the administrations filter will not be applied.
After searching the organisation the details are shown in the screen below:

At the left side of the screen you will find the basic information of the organisation, like name address, VAT, Chamber of Commerce, e-mail and phone number. By using the slider in the middle of the screen the width of the two screen parts can be re-adjusted.
On the right side of the screen five tabs are visible.