Area Conditions - Orders
In the Conditions area, you can define the filter criteria.
If you want to filter by two or more criteria at the same time, select the AND link in the selection box. For the AND link, both criteria must be met.
Example 1:
You want to filter by purchasing group 100 and status In Approval.
select the AND link.
in the two selection boxes select purchasing group and “=”. In the input field, enter the purchasing group; in this example, it is 001.
select Status and “=” from the selection boxes for the second criterion. In the input field, select the desired status, here in the example it is In Approval.
The Save and Close button saves the filter and the entered title and takes you back to the order list.
The system displays all purchase orders with purchasing group 001 and the status “In approval” .
If you want to filter by one of several criteria, select the OR link in the selection box. For the OR operation, only one of the criteria must be met.
Example 2:
You want to filter for purchase order changes with the status“in approval” or for purchase orders for which the“proof of performance is to bereleased”.
select the OR link.
in the two selection boxes, select Order change in approval = Yes.
select for the second criterion from the selection boxes Proof of services to be released = Yes.
The Save and Close button saves the filter and the entered title and takes you back to the order list.
The system displays all purchase orders for which a purchase order change is to be approved or for which the proof of performance is to be released.