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Requirements items Overview

Under Operative Purchasing → Purchase Order Processing → Requirement Items, you can see an overview of all requirement items.

Requirement items of other users are only displayed if you have corresponding access to the external documents of other users. If you are responsible for a particular material group via a user group, you automatically have read and write access to the requirements items of this material group.

You can select or deselect the following columns in the requirements items overview:

  • Selection: Selection column with the option to select one, several or all requirement items for further processing.

  • Requirementno.: Requirement number, is assigned atuomatically by Onventis. When importing from SAP, this number corresponds to the SAP BANF number.

  • Item no.: Number of the requirement item

  • Requirementitem: in the column Requirement item you see the requirement description, the requester and the information whether it is a free text item.

  • Supplier: if specified, you can see the supplier from whom the requirement is requested.

  • Internal article number: the internal article number of the requirement item.

  • Material group: the material group of the requirements item.

  • Purchasing group: the purchasing group responsible for the requirements item.

  • Requester: the requester who has reported the requirement.

  • Cost center: the cost center for which the requirement item is requested.

  • WBS element: the WBS element for which the requirements item is requested.

  • Quantity: the requested quantity for the requirement.

  • Unit price: the unit price for the requirement item.

  • Delivery date: the desired delivery date by which the requirement is to be delivered.

  • Currency: the currency for the requirement item.

  • Status: Status of the requirement item. The following statuses are possible:

    • New:
      newly created requirements item

    • On order:
      the requirement item has been transferred to a purchase order → see tab Follow-on documents

    • Quantities open:
      part of the requirements item quantity is still open. Example: the user has requested 100 pieces but only 50 have been ordered. The open quantity = 50 pieces.

    • Inquiry:
      the requirement item has been transferred to an inquiry → see tab Follow-on documents

    • In Procurement Project:
      The requirements item has been transferred to a procurement project → see tab Follow-on documents

    • in Auction:
      the requirement item has been transferred to an auction → see the follow-on documents tab page

    • Overruled:
      the requirements item was rejected

    • Active requirement items:
      displays only the requirement items that were not completed, cancelled or rejected.

    • Completed:
      the requirements item has been marked as complete

    • By permission:
      the requirements item is in the process of being approved.

    • Approved:
      the requirements item has been approved and can be processed further.

    • Reopened:
      the requirements item was rejected and then reopened for further processing.

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