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Step 1 – Identification

In the first step, you identify your existing supplier account on the Onventis platform, from which the relevant data is transferred in the further course. The specified supplier account will also be linked to your new supplier portal account so that you can manage it centrally in the future.

If you or your company has access to multiple supplier accounts on the Onventis platform (“TradeCore”), you can register for the Onventis Supplier Portal using any of these accounts. Your other supplier accounts can be linked to your portal account after registration.

Enter the following information for identification:

  • Internet address (URL): From the list, select the Internet address which you are currently using to access your existing supplier account. If you click on a link in a notification email you received from your Onventis customer, you will find the corresponding address in your browser address bar.

  • Username: Please enter the username you received from your Onventis customer as access data.

  • Password: In the Password field, enter the password which you either received or set yourself in order to access this account.

If you no longer know your user name or password, you can use the “Forgot your access data” function in the login screen for your existing Onventis supplier account. After entering your email address you will receive a link that will allow you to set a new password.

If you have received an invitation by e-mail and click on the link in this invitation, you do not need to select the Onventis system name (URL). Your user name is also prefilled. All you have to do is enter the password.

Afterward, click on “CONTINUE” to identify your supplier access and continue with the registration.

Only the “super admin” (primary user) of an Onventis Supplier account can register a company. Usually, this is the username provided to you by your customer. If you have created other employees as users in your supplier account, registration must be performed by the super admin (main user).

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