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Toolbar and functions in the Basic Data tab

Save and close

With the save and close button you leave the order and get back to the overview.


With the Create new record icon you can leave the current order and create a new order. As a user, you have the advantage that you do not have to switch to the order overview list to create a new order.

Click to copy

With the Copy record icon you can copy the current order and create a new order. If desired, you can adjust the data.


With the delete record icon the order is deleted. This operation cannot be undone, the record is permanently deleted. In the standard system, only purchase orders with the status In process of creation can be deleted, i.e. only those purchase orders that have not yet been sent to the vendor.

If you as a user have the right“Delete order in order process“, you can also delete orders with the following statuses:

  • In capture

  • Purchase order sent to supplier

  • order to be confirmed by the supplier

  • Order was confirmed by the supplier

  • Post goods receipt

  • Goods issue already booked

  • Generate delivery note

  • Delivery note generated

  • To generate power output

  • Performance record posted


Orders which have been invoiced or for which the credit note procedure has been triggered cannot be deleted for revision reasons.


With the notes icon you can create notes for this record or, if available, call up the notes.


With the resubmission icon you can set the order to resubmission. Orders in resubmission can be sent on a specific date by a specific user. On the date entered, the user receives an e-mail with a link to the resubmission.

Track status

The Track Status button allows you to see the current processing status for this order. The change history button allows you to view the changes made, if any.

The changes are always displayed in the form of a table with two columns:

Changed on/by: in this column you can see when and by which user changes have been made.

Field: in the field column you can see which position and which record has been changed.

Old value: in the column Old value you can see the originally used data set.

New value: in the New value column you can see the change that has been made.

With the close button you leave the track status view and return to the basic data of the order.


Navigation – Icons:

With the help of the navigation icons you can quickly navigate between the orders or the order items:

With the To first record icon you can call up the first order from the order list.

Within an order position you can switch to the first position in the order with the To first record icon.

With the Previous record icon you can call up the previous order, if available. Example: Order no. 11 → Call previous order no. 10.

Within an order position you can switch to the previous position in the order with the Previous record icon.

With the Next record icon you can call up the next order, if available. Example: Order no. 11 → Call next order no. 12.

Within an order position you can switch to the next position in the order with the Next record icon.

With the To last record icon you can call up the last order from the order list.

Within an order position you can switch to the last position in the order with the To last record icon.


With the Budget button you can view the given budget targets which have been violated.

The following functions are available in the Action drop-down menu:


With the preview button you get an order preview in PDF format.


With the Simulate button you can simulate an order transfer to your SAP system. If the data is incorrect or incomplete, an error message is displayed and you can adjust the data if necessary. This function is particularly useful in connection with purchase order approval workflows, since the purchase order is only transferred to your SAP system after the last approval step. In this case, only the last approver would receive the error message and would return the purchase order for correction if necessary. After the change is made, the purchase order would go through the entire purchase order approval process again.

Check order

With the check order button you can check the order before sending it. If the data is incorrect or incomplete, an error message is displayed and you can adjust the data if necessary. This function is particularly useful in connection with purchase order approval workflows, since the purchase order is only sent and thus checked after the last approval step. In this case, only the last approver would receive the error message and would return the purchase order for correction if necessary. After the change is made, the purchase order would go through the entire purchase order approval process again.


The mandatory fields are always checked when saving or before sending. With the two functions Simulate and Check purchase order, all remaining fields can be checked.

Export SG&A form

The Export SG&A Form button creates an Excel file for the SG&A approval process. SG&A (Selling, General and Administrative Expenses).

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