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Area Conditions

In the Conditions area, you can define the filter criteria.

If you want to filter by two or more criteria at the same time, select the AND link in the selection box. For the AND link, both criteria must be met.

Example 1:

You want to filter by MRP controller group 111 and item number 511.


  1. select the AND link.

  2. in the two selection boxes, select MRP controller and contains. In the input field, enter the MRP controller group, here in the example it is 111.

  3. select for the second criterion from the selection boxes article number and contains. In the input field you enter the article number, here in the example it is 511.

  4. The Save and Close button saves the filter and the title entered and takes you back to the delivery schedule overview.


The system displays all scheduling agreements with article number 511 and MRP group 111.

If you want to filter by one of several criteria, select the OR link in the selection box. For the OR operation, only one of the criteria must be met.

Example 2:

You want to filter by MRP group 111 or item number 641.


  1. select the OR link.

  2. in the two selection boxes, select MRP controller and contains. In the input field, enter the MRP controller group, here in the example it is 111.

  3. select for the second criterion from the selection boxes article number and contains. In the input field you enter the article number, here in the example it is 641.

  4. The Save and Close button saves the filter and the title entered and takes you back to the delivery schedule overview.


The system displays all scheduling agreements for which the MRP controller group is 111 or the article number is 641.

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