Scoring, Weighting and KO-Criteria for Questionnaires
Table of contents
It is possible to add scoring to the following question types:
Radio button group (Single select)
Dropdown (Single select)
Checkboxes (Multi select)
Boolean ( Yes/No)
Calculating a result per answered questionnaire and auto-assessment of scored questionnaires will follow in the next major release.
Scoring & Weighting + KO-Criteria
In addition to adding scoring, it is also possible to add weighting and define certain answers as Knockout (KO) criteria for questionnaires. For weighting, the same question types apply as for scoring.
Radio button group (Single select)
Dropdown (Single select)
Checkboxes (Multi select)
Boolean ( Yes/No)
You can activate both scoring and weighting in the “Scoring & Weighting” tab. Weighting becomes activatable only if scoring is also activated.
After you have turned on weighting, an extra field is visible under all questions of the supported question types, in which the weight of this question can be entered.
Some weighting “rules”:
Weighting can be set in percentage values as a number while the maximum value is 100% and the lowest value is 0%.
Per questionnaire, 100% total weighting can be distributed to all questions.
If the total is <> 100% the message will be shown below each weighting field: Weight does not add up to 100%.
Decimal percentage values are allowed. This is relevant, in case more than 100 questions shall be weighted.
The total score per answered question and questionnaire is calculated automatically.
In addition to adding weighting, it is also possible to define specific question answers as KO criteria. You do this by switching the KO criteria switch on or off.
If a specific answer meets the KO criteria, the result will be that the entire questionnaire will be given reject status, regardless of the number of scores obtained on other questions.
As KO criteria, the following question types are supported:
Radio button group (Single select)
Dropdown (Single select)
Boolean ( Yes/No)
As already mentioned, the total score per answered question and questionnaire is calculated automatically. The user can now manually assess the answered questionnaires.
Show maximum achievable score to the questionnaire designer
In the questionnaire service under the qualification module, the ‘Maximum achievable score’ is displayed to the questionnaire designer while assigning scoring. It is shown per question, per panel and as total score for all questions on the bottom of the Scoring & Weighting tab. This feature facilitates the user to keep an overview of the highest possible achievable score per questionnaire or do a rebalancing of scores.
The Maximum achievable score defines the highest possible achievable score per questionnaire. If you make the visibility of questions dependent on other questions, it is possible that the maximum achievable score cannot be reached.
This feature is available under the ‘Scoring & Weighting’ tab under ‘Editor’ as shown below:
Add weighting to panels
While designing a questionnaire, users can create a ‘Panel’ and add multiple questions inside that panel. The panel facilitates users to group similar questions belonging to a particular category such as sustainability, compliance, information security etc.
The ‘Scoring and Weighting’ section under the ‘Editor’ tab allow users to add scoring and weighting to different questions. With this release, users can also add weighting to panels. With this functionality users can add weighting to individual panels such as sustainability and then add weighting to questions inside that panels. This functionality is extremely useful when designing a questionnaire that consists of several questions.
There are two rules that users need to follow:
Sum of weighting of all panels is equal to 100%
Sum of weighting of all questions inside a single panel is equal to 100%
If any of the above conditions are not met, the questionnaire cannot be published. A validation message is displayed in the ‘Scoring and Weighting ‘tab regarding the remaining weight and if the total weight is not equal to 100%. The validation error is also displayed in the summary tab of the questionnaire.
Tips for efficiently designing a questionnaire:
Decide the criteria to be included in the supplier qualification. The criteria may depend on your industry, company size, and regulatory requirements
The criteria may include Sustainability, Compliance, Information security, Financial information etc.
Create panels for the individual criteria
Gather and add relevant questions to these panels
Add weighting to the panels based on importance of criteria. For example: Sustainability: 30%, Compliance: 20%, Information security: 25%, Financial information: 25%
Add weighting to individual questions inside each panel based on their relative importance