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E-mail for requirement approval

If you are entered as an approver in the requirement approval workflow, you will be notified by e-mail of the pending approval as soon as a requirement item is created.

If you edit the requirement items without the direct link in the approval email, you will receive the following email:


You can use the “Go to requirements items” link to edit the requirements approval in Onventis after logging into Onventis.

If you edit the requirement items with a direct link in the approval email, you will receive the following email:


You can use the “Approve Demand” link to approve the demand directly, without logging into Onventis. Your entries are then confirmed with the following message:


You can reject the demand directly via the “Reject demand link, without logging into Onventis. Your entries are then confirmed with the following message:


You can use the “Go to requirements items” link to edit the requirements approval in Onventis after logging into Onventis.

In order for you as the approver to be able to process the requirement items via direct link, the following settings must be activated in Onventis:

Enable release via direct link

Enable approvals via direct link without entering login data


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