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Import images to the articles

In order to import additional pictures for the articles, the file names of the pictures must first be stored in the column “ArticlePictureName” of the Excel file. Before the import is started, the Excel file as well as all images of the articles must be saved in a ZIP archive. This archive must then be selected in the BcJob (see Excel Settings à Import Data).

When importing, you have the option of importing a CSV or XLS file. The following settings must be selected for the import:

BcJob Controller

This is where you determine whether it is an import or export. Select “Import Controller” here.

BcJob adapter

Here you define what is to be imported. To import a catalog in Excel format, please select “Catalog + Article Adapter”.

BcJob Converter & BcJob Port

Here the user determines which data type is involved and where the data comes from. When importing a catalog using an Excel file, “Excel ArticleByNr-Import-Converter” must be selected.

With BcJob-Port you can choose between “Web Interface Input Port” (i.e. direct upload of files via the web interface) or “Local Port Files” (upload of files from FTP server, relevant for Excel files > 10 MB).

Subsequently, the settings for the BcJob job must be as follows, depending on the file type:


Use the “create” button to create a “BcJob Job”.

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