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Available columns in the VMI overview

The VMI overview contains the following columns:



Status (traffic light function)

The traffic light function indicates the dispositive status of the item. The following states can be represented here:

  • Status “New”: The material has been imported into Onventis for the first time and an assignment must be made as to whether this should be treated as a VMI article or a preview article (see Disposition control as VMI article or preview article).

  • Green traffic light
    : The material has a sufficient stock/requirements situation and does not require any planning considerations.

  • Yellow traffic light
    : The material requires an MRP analysis and is within the planning limits (reorder level reached, sufficient time available for subsequent delivery taking into account the delivery and goods processing time).

  • Red traffic light
    : The material requires special planning consideration because either the safety stock level has been fallen short of or a subsequent delivery can no longer be triggered in time according to material planning (taking into account the delivery and goods processing time) in order to avoid a shortage. Clarification between the MRP controller and the supplier is mandatory.

Current stock

Plant stock according to the planning data from the last interface import.

Total additions (fixed)

Total of all imported, fixed receipt elements for the material.

Total disposals (fixed)

Total of all imported, fixed issue elements for the material.

Requirements quantity planned

Total of all planned receipts (purchase requisitions from ERP and automatically generated order proposals).

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