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Tab: Texts

In the Texts tab, you can create general texts, such as non-disclosure agreements for information requests, using the New Structure Element… and New Text… buttons, or import previously created questions using the Template button. Structural elements (dark grey) represent the superordinate points, similar to the chapter heading of a book. The actual texts follow below.

The action buttons on the right-hand side can be used to create, copy or delete new structural elements or texts. The order of the individual points can also be changed by adjusting the numbering at the beginning of a text.

The following display modes of the text structure can be selected via the Display field:

  • Compressed: Only structural elements and titles of texts are displayed, without description, images and file attachments.

  • Not compressed: All information (headings, descriptive text, images and file attachments) is displayed.

Texts from templates can be added to an information request via the button Templates. This takes you to the information request text templates, from which you can add further text areas.

edit texts

To edit the text structure, click on the title of the corresponding structure element. Then the position no., the title, the description and the attachments can be edited. If the position no. is changed, the text will be reordered after saving.

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