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Inherit information to multiple positions

Within Onventis you have the possibility to inherit the same information to several positions. The following information can be inherited:

  • Account assignment type

  • Recipient of delivery/service

  • Unloading point

  • Cost center

  • Account type/general ledger account

  • Business division

  • Order

  • WBS element

  • Attachment

  • Customer order

  • Customer

  • Task

  • Factory

  • Storage location

  • Delivery address

  • Delivery date

  • Material group

  • Vendor (only for free text items)


Vendors can only be inherited from user-defined text items to other user-defined text items.

In the case of free text items for which the vendor has already been entered, the vendor may be overwritten by using the inherit function.

To inherit the information, proceed as follows:

  1. open a purchase order item and enter the relevant data.

  2. press the Inherit button.

  3. By activating or deactivating the checkboxes, you can select or deselect the desired fields, as well as the articles to which the information is to be passed on.

  4. Confirm your selection with the OK button. With the Cancel button you can cancel the process.

  5. After confirming, you will see the note Position details were inherited on X positions.


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