Area Definition
Text: with the field type Text you can create an additional field as a text field.
Number: with the field type Number you can create an additional field as a number field.
Date: with the field type Date you can create an additional field as a date field.
Selection as dropdown menu: with the field type Dropdown menu you can create an additional field as a selection field with predefined values. In a drop-down menu, only one value can be selected at a time.
Selection as checkbox: with the field type Checkbox you can create an additional field as a checkbox with predefined values. In the case of a checkbox, there is the possibility of multiple selection.
Field group: with the field type Field group you can create a field group with several fields.
Blank line: with the field type Blank line you can define blank lines between the additional fields.
Unit text: in the Unit text field you can specify a unit (e.g. unit of quantity, currency or time) for the response field. The unit is displayed behind the answer field
Number of text lines: in the field Number of text lines you can define the number of text lines for the selected field type
Length of text lines: in the field Length of text lines you can define the number of characters within a text line for the selected field type.