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Create and edit response fields

In the Answer Fields tab, the answer fields for the question can be created or edited. To do this, go to the Answer fields tab for a question item. and click on the New Reply Field button.

Enter the rank of the answer field here and the title that should appear in front of the answer field. Here you can define:

  • Optional field, i.e. the supplier can enter a response.

  • Mandatory field, i.e. the supplier must enter a response

  • Invisible field (not public) i.e. only for internal users

  • Write-protected, i.e. the supplier is not allowed to edit the field.

The field type determines the type of response field. The following are the possible types of response fields.

Possible types of response fields:


Unit text: In this field, a unit (e.g. unit of quantity, currency, time, etc.) can be entered for the response field.

Number of text lines: Here you can determine the height of the input field by specifying how many text lines the field should have.

Length of the text lines: The number of text lines multiplied by the length of the text lines gives the maximum number of characters.




Selection values: Here you can specify the selection values of the drop-down list or the checkboxes.

Field Group:

Using the field type Field group, response fields of any type can be displayed next to each other. You can define how many response fields should be displayed next to each other. In the answer field overview, the title Field group now appears above the following (number of) fields you have defined, i.e. the answer fields created under this title form the field group. As described above, any response fields can be created under the field group. Any number of field groups can be created among each other.

Save and Close saves the changes. If further response fields are to be defined, this is done by clicking on the Save and New button.

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